Friday, August 22, 2014

Go With What Works For You

Right after my books went live on Kindle, they also went live on NOOK. After several months, I found out they just weren’t selling on NOOK, so I removed them.

I did this because I wanted to put some of them in the Prime Program/Amazon Kindle and to be able do this, my ebooks couldn’t be sold anywhere else. They weren’t selling on NOOK, so why not make a change?

That’s the way it has been for over a year and sales have been very good on Amazon Kindle. Then, I started getting emails from readers asking why they weren’t available on NOOK. Sooo… I took all but two out of Prime/Kindle and they went live again on NOOK.

Normally, my books sell well on Kindle, but not this month. This month the sales have been dismal, and to top it off, only one person has purchased a book on NOOK so far. What does that tell you? 

I’m sorry readers, but there just isn’t a market out there for NOOK. Not for me anyway. Some of my books will be available on NOOK, including my newest one, The Prey Bites Back, but I’m headed back home to Kindle Prime.

Check out my books:



Sometimes you just have to go with what works for you. I love my Kindle Prime.

Sable says hello.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Writing Tips and Old Dogs

I’ve read quite a few articles about how people write, and most say they go by an outline or by their notes. I wish I could say I have a strategy for writing, but I don’t. I just sit down and start writing, letting my mind go where it wants. Sometimes it goes way out into left field and I have to pull it back and rethink the situation. But that works for me.

When I start a new book I have an idea of a storyline, but that’s about it. To me, the most important thing is to come up with a story and a title that suits the story. Once I get an idea and a title, the rest just seems to fall into place. A lot of times, the book ends up differently than what I had planned, but that also works for me.

The one thing I do to keep myself on track and not forget to mention the outcome of a scenario is to make a very brief notation at the end of the book. Using MS Word, it’s not hard to do. For example, if I have a character who is involved in a situation, at the bottom of the page I’ll type: tell about (insert name) and what happened to her/him. Or, if I add a new character, I’ll skip down and say something like: Shark—tall, muscular, shaved head, black guy, war scars, snap a neck in a second. When I go back to where I left off writing and continue, the notation moves down the page.

That’s pretty much it for me. Writing should be fun, not bothersome.

If you have any writing tips, I’d like to hear them. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but I say you can.

Now, this old dog is going back to working on Be Very Afraid. See you on the flip side.